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 New  Shops in Nice 16/09/2008 19:36
Auteur:  Petter 9948

Hope you understand english. Does anyone know a bmx shop in Nice?

Some kind of french: Est-ce que quelqu'un sait un bmx shop à Nice?


 New  Re: Shops in Nice 16/09/2008 20:08
Auteur:  guigui54 6930
fuck you fils de pute

 New  Re: Shops in Nice 16/09/2008 20:12
Auteur:  eastern47 1448

2) you tapot' in "quoi-qui": bike, vélo, réparation bmx, cycle or skateshop for exemples

3) ''''''''''''''''''' in "où": Nice, Cannes or http://www.carte-france.info/departement-alpes-maritimes/

you probably try a bouticycle, culture vélo, gam vert or others houses a few scrupulated
these depend that what you need and good luck

ps: si quelqu'un peut traduire...

 New  Re: Shops in Nice 16/09/2008 20:13
Auteur:  Static 9659
Toi t' as toute la tune que tu veut visiblement, prend des cours particuliers d' anglais mec...

 New  Re: Shops in Nice 16/09/2008 20:45
Auteur:  Petter 9948
- Je utiliser pour cette traduction: http://translate.google.com/translate_t#

Ok, mais je me suis demandé si quelqu'un a déjà fait savoir un bmxshop à Nice.

 New  Re: Shops in Nice 18/09/2008 10:12
Auteur:  titibmx 3237
Hi, how are you?
Sorry but I didn't find any shop for this city on google..
Maybe you could ask to local riders, i know that there's a few parks in this location and i guess there's also a shop.

Good luck man, bye!

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