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Pays: Germany
Nom: Tr!ckstuff BikeJam 2007
Lieu (ville): Freiburg
Disciplines: Dirt
Date: 26-27/05/2007
Site web: www.trickstuff-bikejam.de
Description: The Tr!ckstuff BikeJam 2007 in Freiburg (Germany) is one of the best biker "get together" in the year. As every year, it will be celebrated on Whitsun on the location of the Dirtpark-Freiburg. Please mark the 26th and 27th of May in 2007!

The 5th BikeJam in Freiburg is one of the best fun sporting events this year. There will be a lot of competitions and contest like dirt jump and races - but not only the competitors will have fun. Spectators, children, aficionados etc. will enjoy the show and will have a good barbecue and party-time^^.
Comment y aller: By car:
From the motorway A5 - take the exit 62 towards Freiburg Mitte. Drive around 5 km until you see a sign called ADAC Prüfzentrum. Take this exit and follow the sign. After the second sign there will be a 270 degree curve towards a subway. Before that subway go left onto a small road and again left to the parking place. If you car is too big, follow the small road around 300 meter and take the next exit on the left side. There is another parking place without car size limits. Then take your bike and ride into the park. From both directions you will see the BMX track after around 300 meters. 

If you use a navigational device, please type in the following address:

Street: Robert-Ruh-Weg 1
Zip code: 79114
Town: Freiburg
Country: Germany
Riders présents: There will be a lot of famous riders from Germany, France and Switzerland!
Informations: bikejam@drirtpark-freiburg.de
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(dirtpark 24/02/2007)
Tr!ckstuff BikeJam 2007 in Freiburg (Germany)
Tr!ckstuff BikeJa...
(dirtpark 22/02/2007)

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